Fellows, this is not übber chiq?
Vladimir Mayakovsky Remix
In 2007, Franck Ancel acquired 3 meters of original film "The Celluloide Heart". This film, lost for more than half a century, was made by and featured the Soviet poet Vladimir Mayakovsky and Lili Brik. Ancel breathes new life into these images by mixing them and adding a sound piece by Luc Ferrari and Elisabeth Chojnacka, "Common program for harpsichord and magnetic tapes" for a duration of 17 min 17 S to create two versions.
This composition fills the visual space until it reaches monochromatic saturation. 12 years later, in 1930, Mayakovsky committed suicide at 37 years of age and left his epitaph: The boat of the love crashed against everyday life. As one says, the incident is closed.
Trough the transfiguration of death and the disappearance of this work, we present another formula in loop form, towards projection, that is still alive towards a “2007” version: Everyday life crashed against the boat of the love. As one says, that does not close the incident.
This "Vladimir Mayakovsky Remix" (VMR) is the continuation, one year later of the "Yves Klein Remix" (YKR) made in 2006 with its poem "Come with me into the void". This second edition limited to 27 numbered specimens, for November 11th, is accompanied by a certificate. VMR is a box plexis, 13 by 13 centimetres, containing a DVD screen printed in the color of red blood.
Cinematography & actors: Vladimir Mayakovsky & Lili Brik
Conception and creation: Franck Ancel
Music: Luc Ferrari and Elisabeth Chojnacka
Editor: Julien Bittner – la Générale de Production
Authoring: AdVitam Interactive
Transfert and fabrication: Extor and Abaqueplast
Diffusion VMR + YKR
Librairie-Galerie Yvon Lambert 108, rue Vieille-du-Temple 75003 Paris.
Librairie du Palais de Tokyo 13, avenue du Président Wilson 75016 Paris.
Sur Internet http://www.remixarts.com
Price 1000 eurosExtract
http://www.dailymotion.com/franckancel/video/x3ccfb_vmrContacts Mobile +33 676 470 610 Email info@remixarts.com
Born in 1970, France, Franck Ancel lives in Paris. He has been probing technology in art for more than fifteen years. He has traced its development from the avant-gardes artists of the last century to the recent mutations of creation on a planetary scale.
He has thus organized and coordinated symposiums, expositions, and performances in cooperation with associations and institutions. The last one was a retrospective on Jacques Polieri, « the creator of modern scenography », at the National Library in Paris. Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Ancel has set up an interactive, participative triptych, « A.I.T. », probing architecture, image and technology on 20th Century heritage sites.
In 2005 he concluded a cycle of five communications for five continents entitled « From Scenography to the Planetary Network » with its world premier being broadcast live on the Internet from a plane travelling between Shanghai and Munich. In 2006 he pursued this idea with the conference « From Scenography to the Planetary Network for Shanghai 2010 » held in Silicon Valley as part of ISEA/ZeroOne. In 2007, Ancel has created a hommage to Sputnik for October 4th « From Sputnik satellite to Explorer art », date of the fiftieth anniversary of the first object put into orbit around the planet.