This is what i´ve been seeing and what i´ll see instead of Oporto in the comming days... ahhh it´s a pitty I couldn´t make it because of this stupid (but necessary) job... to be a bit possitive i must say that at least it´s plesent to work in the open air, have a walk in the hills (alive with the sound of music... in my ipod hehheheh)
The windmill parks are towards the south of Navarre and on clear days there´s a beautiful view of the pirenees far away in the north, their tops covered with snow already... well, i suppose this´s also worthwhile!
Cheers to all!
hey ! that´s really nice !!!
Well... they're windmills and they're giant. I suppose D. Quixote would make a gret World of Warcraft character ;)
And if you don't get to see Portugal riht now, chill out... it's quaintness only increases with time :D
heheh.. Tiago!!
you´re probably wright.
i was in Lisbon a few years ago. the thing was to be able to meet up with Jan... but it will have to be further on. and if what you say is true... ;)
Yes!!Jan is arriving in Porto with Mariana and Pico tomorrow (Friday)( because these days he went to Lisbon)! Cool, Cool! Alheiras will be waiting for them, ehe! It would be perfect if you were also here, or anyone...but it was an important reason... so, now you have to think when to come! :P
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