Let in the Mart cripples! On 10th of november was the day of Mart (man name) in Estonia (goose feast (Br)). One evening before young people, mostly children, go in black cripple clothing from house to house and they sing and dance for a treat. It is a bit similar to halloween. It used to be a very esteemed day, but now its just for fun. I haven´t done it since i was little. To be sure in our success we visited only people we know. We were 5 cripples and later one guy in a snake costume joined us. The catch was fabulous: bottle of vodka, bottle of home-made vine, 3 bottles of beer, condoms, incane sticks, apples, candy, kanesh sigarettes, drinks on the house, cannabis, 500 krones(~32 euros), honey.
Awsome! We consider going also on this friday! It is called day of Kadri (womans name) and people go around dressed in white.
wow, is this the way one earns one's living in estonia? that's great, this could be copied to poland, it would be easily asimilated.
but it is possible only in 2 days in one year... so you should still look for a side-job.
wuauu!fantastic!I want to do the same!
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