1)if we were not more numerous than.let's say seven,we could fit in andras' flat in budapest.i checked the tickets from portugal and they are a little bit cheaper than to gdansk, for example. wouldn't you feel like visiting the great city of budapest again? and after the new year's eve, who would still have money, could join me on my way to gdansk...
2)i know i know i know you are terrified on the thought of taize,cause you think i would like to make priests & nuns of all of you,but please believe me, i really dont=].trust me a bit, i really dont want to convert you to anything, at most to show you a part of kasia's love and it's also a thing i would be happy to show to you, cause it's loved by me. and on the spot one pays i think 45e, and sleeping place (in schools etc or people's houses) and transport card for the whole city is then guaranteed.and geneve is such a beautiful city...fififi?
aaa,and also three meals included in those 45e,mmmm, just think.
two options, one better than the other for finishing the year - i would take both! at my place, you`d be stayin in one flat, all of you!
its true what lovely kasia says (big kiss here for you),taize is not a place where you convert to nons or monks, its really nice there and very calm, funny and loooots of nice young people, at least it was so 8 years ago... (and taize didnt manage to make a non out of me, they didnt even try to)....kasa: when have you been there? i am sure we know each other already from there ;) do you remember this nice old frere roger (dont know how written?) he was so sweet and with "purple aura" as well!!! hey i realized the discussion about new years eve just beside, i have to work in theater on that night so if nobody invents beaming till then its impossible to go somewhere...dammit! sorry! but i am dying to see you again!!! one day, but you are always arround in heart! hope ya doing fine! miss you and a big hug!!!
now for all those who still read untill here, i miss you too and i kiss you all*****
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