Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!! Calú is here with Haydamaky's photos, but it is a shit!! It seems that the world was shaking! Anyway I will post few, but if you want something with more quality ask me because I have videos of the concert ( and shoes) Nhec!
suuuuure, the world is shaking when haydamaky is on the stage! btw, i find the pictures quite cute this way. let me tell you that they are as cute as the title of this post is misspelled.
and fortunately we have a sharp as a knife picture of the most disgusting of the guys from haydamaky, lucky us! =]]] (okioki. no more mean comments.)
most disgusting??? u mean the look i hope... i have to admit that his trousers are getting a bit too small for him (probably bought on band starting days), but the shoes and his acordion play rocks!!! kick ass shoes!
and i think it is cool that harris mask desided to come to the concert... u see it sitting next to me.
Uppsi dupsiii!!!
Tut mir Leid! Something is missing... Correction: HAYDAMAKY!
Does someone knows how to change it on the older post? If not, it doesn't matter :P
shooo, lisuuuu. the accordeon rocks, bestimmt! they all rock, i thought i made it clear what i think about them by tiring you all with telling you hundred times how much i liked it. and as far as the looks goes, nobody is perfect, no?
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