Friday, August 17, 2007

going back (to Linz)

that's the end of my vacations in France...
that was good, and now i must go back to work in Linz...Aaaarrggghhh !!!!
In 2 hours I'll take a train to nantes to meet my brother and spend the evening with him, and tomorrow morning i have a train to paris airport and then a flight to munich and then another train to Linz...Hopefully i'll be back in Linz at 22H41 tomorrow in order to have a drink...ahahahah !!!

I hope you are all doing fine !!!!
Monday will be a tough day i think geting used to holidays is so easy !!!!

soon some new pictures from me !
Pico, prepare you scissors 'cause i'll have long/big hairs when i come to portugal ! lol

see you all !


pico said...

Yes baby...I already have the scissor prepared!haha
But now talking serious, I bought a real friseur scisser!:) You will look Brad Pitt!

eWaN said...

now i will train to have the same muscles as Brad Pit, i already started during my vacations as i was opening/closing filling/emptying the water gate (???) that we had to cross with the boat...

TimT:o)m said...

Ewan! u rock much more then Pitt(ch) - i mean i can tell - i saw u live in action and u should be a real rock-hair-roll star with long beautiful horse-hair :)
we have kind of the same coming-back feeling- i will also start working- as a teacher- Prof.TimT:o)m - kind of like that..
and some evenings free for a beer in stroooommhhh!
With my remaind friends!