i´m still in Linz...But in december and january i went back to my dear Bretagne...here are a few picture :
no one really knows how and why they made that, but anyway it´s quite impressive...
Then the lovely sea, let´s say wild ocean :
...and of course, even if it´s not in Bretagne, the Tour Eiffel !!!!
i hope you enjoyed these pictures !
i hope i will see some of you during the next year !
ciao, all the best etc...
Ewan, crazy French and scientist from time to time...
Crazy French Guy!!!!
Happy to hear some news from you, Linzer boy!
How is science in Linz???!!!
/ )
a kiss from the guy with nice legs!
ewan! uau nice pictures bretagne is very beautiful, wild, mystic!! quite like i imagined; :)
happy new year to you too. also hope to see you, the harmonic/ guitar musician with gifts on cience! eheh
big hug ***
Hey, hi Ewan. Nice pictures indeed!
Your country seems a beautiful place.
Liberté por la Bretagne!!! (?)
about waht you said about the cromlech i quote here our dear artist Jorge Oteiza who in his famous book
(or essay, rather) Quousque Tamdem, he´d relate his latest art works to these primitive constructions. He would refer to the cromlech as the end of an sculptural expresion. He´d say that the cromlech was an art work equal to zero. An epmty, sacred, metaphisical, space that seves man to deposit his soul. It comunicates with the skye, that great void where men had always belived to deposit their souls.
In counslusion: a sacred, methapysical artwork by defining an epmty, spiritual sapce as an estetical conclusion of a human period. (wow!!)
oyyeee, great pictures and even greater you on them! =]
i miss you all...
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